Re: MY TI-8x DIED!!!!!


Re: MY TI-8x DIED!!!!!

Alas, the poor TI-8x!  I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite figures,
of most excellent graphs.  He hath borne me through a math test a thousand
times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!  My grade rims at it.
Here hung those buttons that I have pressed I know not how oft.  Where be
your menus now?  Your games?  Your ASM shells?

>>Ok people, lets get one thing straight.  YOUR CALCULATOR IS NOT ALIVE!!!!  I
>>REPEAT IT IS NOT ALIVE!!!  I am sick and tired of saying my TI-8x died.  It
>>would make much more sense if you say my TI-8x Crashed.  But not died.
Main Entry: die
Pronunciation: 'dI
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): died; dy·ing /'dI-i[ng]/
Etymology: Middle English dien, from or akin to Old Norse deyja to die;
akin to Old High German touwen to die
Date: 12th century
4 a : to cease functioning : STOP <the motor died> b : to end in failure
<the bill died in committee>