Re: TI-89 versus TI-92


Re: TI-89 versus TI-92

It's not really watered down, the geometry is the ONLY thing they took out.
And face it, the geometry on the 92 is just plain hard to use.  Cabri for
Windows is probably a very good program, but on the 92 it just stinks.
You can draw stuff and move it around, and that's about it.  You can't
even specify the size of stuff, like if you wanted a circle of radius 4.
You can drag it until you get close, but good luck hitting exactly 4.0.
Considering the 92 is considered more of a calculus machine anyway, TI
figured very few people would miss the geometry.

>Using a set of TI-92 's in my calculus and geometry classes (higher
>secondary school) with great satisfaction, I deplore the decision of
>TI to release a "watered down" version of the TI-92 with the name TI-89.
>The TI-92, with its symbolic calculations, its geometry module and its
>QWERTY keyboard, is a cheap and hand-held alternative to a computer.
>Most of all I deplore the dumping of the geometry module : this feature,
>as well as the computer version of Cabri, is about to give a new life to
>geometry education, which was in a deplorable state worldwide since the
>last 15 years.
>Thanks to this technology, math educators and pupils rediscover the beauty
>and value of geometry.