xStat, yStat, fStat sorting on TI-86


xStat, yStat, fStat sorting on TI-86

This is probably me being dozy, but while the TI-85 had SORTX and SORTY
commands available on a menu that worked as you might expect (i.e. they
sorted xStat and yStat while the cursor was on an x-or-yStat entry), I can't
seem to make the same commands work similarly on the TI-86.

I can (laboriously) key Sortx(xStat,yStat) on the command line and that
works, but although the book says that xStat and yStat are the defaults, I
can't seem to make Sortx work without specifying (at length) xStat and yStat
(or even fStat) as the arguments to Sortx(.

Keying Sortx(xStat) on it's own fails, so it seems I must specify a second
list to accompany xStat, even if I am analyzing a single variable. :-((

In a similar (frustrating) way, OneVar fails unless I painstakingly fill
fStat with '1's for each element of the xStat list.  This seems crazy.  Is
there a way of causing fStat to be created automatically the same length as
xStat, and to be filled with 1's?

In desperation(!) I've written a short program to detect the length of xStat
and create fStat of the same length filled with 0's, and then to convert them
to 1's, but the TI-85 automatically defaulted each yStat value to 1 when you
entered a list of values into xStat, while the TI-86 seems to require you to
ensure that fStat is precisely the same length as xStat and manually filled
with 1's!  Progress??

Or am I missing something obvious?

Any help gratefully received,


Dick Smith                Acorn Risc PC              dick@risctex.demon.co.uk