Re: A few notes!


Re: A few notes!

you can get cheap 3 conductor 2.5mm plugs and sockets at
they'll send you a free catalog on CD-ROM.

I'm, like, a product, OK, of american, you know, education, all right?

On Sun, 1 Mar 1998 21:56:38 -0500 Life <life.hazard@AROS.NET> writes:
>Okay in response to a few things as well as a few of my own
>observatsions.  First of all where would I find diagrams for things
>as the memory expander.
>     Second of all about the Homemade serial and parallel link cable
>after much headache I noticed a simple fact that no one seems to have
>documented.  When you are buildign the device you must make sure you
>a 3 CONDUCTOR 2.5 mm Socket or Plug.  The 3 conductor part is very
>important I found.  The 2 conductor will lock up your calculator.  If
>anyone knows where I can get some cheap 2.5 mm 3 conductor sockets or
>plugs please post the location.  I have found that piece hard to find
>because the only electronics store here is Radio Shack and they don't
>carry the 2.5 mm 3 Conductor.  I am going off of what everyone has
>telling me as well as personal experience.  If you feel I am wrong
>please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail.  Please though back up

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