Re: TI-83


Re: TI-83

Also, just before school starts some stores lower the prices on calcs.
So if she doesn't need it just now, I would have waited a bit.

biz wrote:
> In article <01bd9b34$497ee6e0$e83796d0@dawson-wong>, "Dawson Wong"
> <> wrote:
> >Try Calculators, Inc. at
> >They sell them for $89.50, which is cheaper than the $95 + tax they charge
> >in stores.  Shipping is something like $3.75 so you'll save about $1.75 +
> >the tax on $95.  If you like to buy from stores, I usually buy from Best
> >Buy or Office Max.
> >
> >> Where is the cheapest place to buy a TI-83?  My daughter needs one for
> >high
> >> school.  Thank you.
> The cheapest deals are if you can convience the school that your daughter
> goes to, to buy a lot of TI calculators in bulk. Schools receive them at
> discount prices.
> I'd check into that first.
> Also, if there is anything wrong with the calculator, the school can
> handle that too.
> Tell us how it goes! :)
> -JZS
> --
> Use address above, but remove SPAM to reply. Thanks. :)
> _____
> "You know you are a serious statistician if you keep the letter 'e' copied to
your clipboard, because just incase you hit paste by mistake, you'll still have
a fighting chance."

Jack the Klipper
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