Re: TI-92: No percent function?


Re: TI-92: No percent function?

Midnight Wells,

>I finally went ahead and purchased a TI-92 on the weekend.

In time it will be a third hand, trust me. ;)

>I know I can write my own function to provide basic percent
>operations, but I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if it is possible
>to write a function that provides the whole functionality of percent
>ie I know it is possible to write a function that performs:
>100*pt(36) = 36

Here is the function code...

Return approx(x/100)

>However, what I'd like to know is, is it possible to write a function
>that also performs:
>100 + pt(36) = 136
>100 - pt(36) = 64
>26 * (100 - pt(36)) + 12= 1676
>and so on.

Well, 100+pt(36) = 136 as you have above is just the same as 100+36=136


100 - pt(36) = 64 is the same as 100-36=64

So I really don't get why you have it above as pt(36) when you could just
put 36 in there for it instead     ???

However, a percent just means "out of 100", so the code above that I did
returns x divided by 100 to get it into the percent form, then approx(
just makes it so it will always show a decimal, instead of 9/25 for .36


Hope that helps!

-Justin S.


Use address above, but remove SPAM to reply. Thanks. :)
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