Re: "Reviews" section useless?


Re: "Reviews" section useless?

At 01:10 PM 6/13/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello all,
>'s review section is a very nice feature, but they
>haven't received any new reviews since February 7'th!  Does anyone know why
>they keep it up there?  I guess either people post their reviews someplace
>else, or they just don't care.  It seems to me like it's kind of a waste of
>space right now.  Just my two-cents-worth :)

I talked to the head of the Review section and he said he was programming a
new system for reviews.  He also said that it is supposed to be up this
week sometime.  Let me hunt for that message in the archives of my In
box.....ah, here it is:

>X-Envelope-From: Wed Jun  3 16:25 EDT 1998
>Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 22:25:30 +0200 (MET DST)
>From: Andy Selle <>
>Subject: Re: Reviewer must be dead... (fwd)
>The existing review system has proven very poor in both content and
>mechanics.  I have therefore started rewriting the entire system from
>scratch.  This process is well under way.  I anticipate a working system
>by next week.  I will then conduct tests.

Note that he said "anticipates" which I have translated to as "not for the
next couple months, bub" :)  I think that staff should've
removed everything with the old review system and waited for the new system
to be put in place before putting the reviews back onto the main web page.
That is my opinion though.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

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