Re: TI83 Emulator for TI86


Re: TI83 Emulator for TI86

I was gettin' to that...

At 11:54 PM 6/2/98 -0400, Ray Kremer wrote:
>Because many people have forgotten that the primary purpose of calculators
>is to do math, not to play games.  The games are just a bonus to kill time
>during math class IF you don't need to pay attention to get an A.
>You want to play games, real games?  Buy a Game Boy.  You want to write
>games for the internet community to enjoy?  Write it in C for dos or Windows.
>Okay, I'm being extreme here, I play and write those calc games as much as
>anybody else, but I still have the big picture in mind.  Sure, you might
>want to hang onto that ten year old NES so you can still play the original
>Metroid or Zelda, but do we really need to obsess over the TI-82 games you
>can't play because you have an 86 instead?  It doesn't actually hurt anything
>if you do obsess, but they are just calculator games, after all.
>(This oughta stir up some comments/flames.  Just don't go too far.
>I'm not always as serious as I sound.  Take it with a grain of salt.)
>>If you don't mind my asking, why is sooo much emulating needed?

What is there to say about silence?
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