Re: A83: Do you even test your Ti-83 programs? (fwd)


Re: A83: Do you even test your Ti-83 programs? (fwd)

I have had the same problem with having the calc hang after outputing bits to the linkport.  I'll try setting them high when I'm done and see if it works.  I'll post the code if it does.  Can you do the same?


-----Original Message-----
From:   Frank Ayers []
Sent:   Thursday, January 22, 1998 4:48 PM
Subject:        Re: A83: Do you even test your Ti-83 programs? (fwd)

>Your program uses the 2 input/o pins as output and pulls them logic >high
>and low.  Right?

Yes, but the 2 lines feed and clock a shift register(s) so what you 
see on the outside is parallel data in as many groups of 8 bits as 
your application requires.  The main hassle was getting those two 
lines to take the data from the ASM program without locking up on the 
return. TI's C0 thru C3's sent to port zero (from the "official" TI-83 
page) present the data, but hang up the program -- as in pull out the 
batteries, and start again from scratch. Setting the high bits on the 
last transfer seems to get us past that. As soon as semester grades 
are out, (looks like an "all nighter" for this procrastinator), I'll 
get back to this and pass same along to you.

  -- Frank