Re: Serial link freezes my TI-85


Re: Serial link freezes my TI-85

>Are you connecting them when both of them are off? If not, you should,
>because if you connect it while the computer is on, it will almost certainly
>damage your calc through the surge of power sent through the link.
I don't see why you think everything that plugs into a link port will kill it.
If there is power "surging" through your computer, your motherboard is fried.

>>I've got a TI-85 and a serial link.  I know the link is built correctly
>>because I could get it to work on my old 486.  But on my new PC, it
>>freezes up my TI-85 when the two are connected.  What's causing this?
>>Is there a solution?

Make sure it is actually a serial port.  Test for power.
