Re: zero prob


Re: zero prob

> The Ti-83 has kind of the same problem when you use the Equationsolver.
> But thats probably because the calculator uses Newton-Rhapsons method or
> something like that to solve the equations. Does anyone know how the
> calculator solves this type of equations (for example thirddegree
> equations)?

> > The problem that I was referring to on the TI-82 was
> > (4/3)+2*(4/3)-4
> > The answer is given as -1E-13
> > It comes out as 0 on the TI-83
> Sounds fair. Assuming your calculator has an internal precision of
> thirteen decimal places (actually an _option_ to be set on or off in the
> TI-68 IIRC :-) the calculation goes something like:
> (1.3333333333333)+2*(1.3333333333333)-4
> = -0.0000000000001 = -1E-13
> ~ 0
> This is where good sense must keep an eye on the limits of the machine,
> so to speak.
> --
>           Rene Kragh Pedersen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> A mouse trap placed on top of your alarm clock will prevent you
> from rolling over and going back to sleep.
