TI-83 Programming Assistance


TI-83 Programming Assistance

December 4, 1998

I am an instructor at Georgia Perimeter College in Atlanta, GA where I
teach the introductory statistics course.  The TI-83 Graphing Calculator is
used by all students in this class.  I write many calculator programs for
use by the students.

I need help with labeling from within programs.  I understand that the
Text( function is used to do this.  What I have not determined is how to
obtain the row and column pixel values for label assignment based on
calculateddata  values.  Here are two examples of what I wish to do:
   1) I have two dotplot programs; one overlays vertical lines representing
the quartiles; the other overlays vertical lines representing the mean plus
and minus 1, 2, 3 standard deviations.  I want the program to label these
vertical lines with their values calculated from the data.
   2) Labeling values such as those shown in the graphs on page 75 of
"Statistics Handbook for the TI-83" (Morgan), and pages 101, 105 of "The
TI-83 Companion: Elementary Statistics [Triola]" (Morgan).

Labels for either of these examples can be placed from the keyboard by
trial-and-error positioning with the Text( function.  I want these label
placements to be determined dynamically by a program which obtains their
coordinates through a formula based on the calculated data values.  This
would allow a program to make correct label placement for any calculated

I know such pixel values must be determined in conjunction with the window
variables and the number of screen pixels per row and column.  My
experimentation with these relationships has met with only partial success.
 Obviously, I am overlooking something.

Assistance will be greatly appreciated.  Please reply directly to e-mail
address below.

David Lifsey