Re: Vampire the Masqarade Companion?


Re: Vampire the Masqarade Companion?

In article <>,
AKAunkn0wn <> wrote:
>I saw a D&D Companion program for the TI-85 at a website. I was wondering if
>anyone knew where I could get a simaler program for Vampire the Masqarade.

I've written one which is available at  You use the arrow keys to set the
pool size and difficulty, then hit Enter to roll.  Your'e shown all the
individual rolls, with a summary of successes, botches, and the total.
Note that it doesn't reroll tens, but you could probably modify it to do
so.  It's available in 85g and ASCII format.

Also available there are some analyses I did of the Storyteller dice
system which show the weirdness with botching.  That's part of the reason
I'm not as intersted in those games as I used to be.
Brian Dysart               |     Ours is not to reason why...          |     "...and eight for the fruit bat."     |     <*>    Code Code block: C---
