Re: Another ti85 bug found by me


Re: Another ti85 bug found by me

On Sun, 28 Sep 1997, Bear wrote:

> From: Mislav Bilobrk <bili@FLY.CC.FER.HR>

> >Even if y is a list or vector and you draw Line(x,y(1),X,Y
> >y variable will be destroyed and changed to real type.

Quoth the manual (page A-22):
"You can use [x,y,t,r,<theta>,eqn,exp,Ql1..Ql9,Q1..Q9] for user data
 of any type (except constants, programs, graph databases, or graph
 pictures). However, the TI-85 stores to them (during graphing, for
 example), so you may wish to avoid using the names."

> >Hmm, so many bugs! Should we ask at TI for a free replacement?


Jasper McLean (
