Re: TI-92


Re: TI-92

As a freshman in college just getting out of High School calculus I
would STRONGLY recommend against the 92 for one very clear reason:
Standardized Testing.  Sure you would have a great calculator...that you
could not use on the SAT math, or SAT II Math IC or IIC.  Basically, you
are screwing yourself, and will end up going and making your parents
dish out $120.00 more bucks for an 86.  It just wouldn't be feasible.
The idea, though, in concept is rather worthwhile.  I have a brand
spankin' new 86 and I am more than happy.  Recommended to all.

Josh Fox


> Just suppose the Mathematics Department you teach for
> were to require every student from Algebra through
> Calculus to have and learn to use a TI-92. What long
> range effects do you think this would have?
> Thanks
> Gary Wardall

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