TI-86 + crashing = WTF?


TI-86 + crashing = WTF?

ASM has been running quite functified on my 86. Sqrxz & Penguins are two
good examples of supreme crashing. (My contrast setting is at mid 5).
Anyway, I was playing Ztetris versus my friend on his 85 and after I
exit'd, my calc was blank, on button still nothing. up'ing my contrast
(2nd UP) still to no avail. I take out one battery, put it back in, turn
the calc on, up my contrast (yes it works at this point) and my programs
are all intact (or so i think). This is weird. I'm wondering if a
"weekly, monthly,??? format should be even considered" No their not
computers but the bad effects are showing true on calculators, esp mine.

-(: Modem Boy :)-
