Re: Heeeeelp Meeeeeee!


Re: Heeeeelp Meeeeeee!

On Sat, 25 Oct 1997 12:45:01 -0700 Sumit <sumit-1@ROCKETMAIL.COM> writes:
>I don't understand one thing.  When you have a group file, do you send
>each file at a time or is there any way to send the whole group file
>at the same time from computer to calculator?  And also how do you
>transfer pictures from computer to calculator?

you send the .8xg file DIRECTLY to the calculator.. and it'll UNGROUP
it.. while loading it on the calculator.. OR

you can ungroup it in the COMPUTER PROGRAM.. and send it one by one. buy
there's no reason to.
what do you mean pictures??  as in TI8X pictures?? ie..  *.8xi  ?? just
send it as you did with normal programs.. but pictures as in jpg.. or
gif.. or bmp pcx.. etc.. you need a convertor..

(btw.. when replying (because this is calc-ti) please make sure you're
replying to CALC-TI@LISTS.PPP.TI.COM  (the list) because calc-ti doesn't
automatically put the list as the reply.. but puts the writer..)
-nXt  OR:
