Re: Rename program


Re: Rename program

Use EDIT to create a new program with the name you want
On the first program line press [2nd][RCL]
at the  Rcl prompt press [PRGM] then select the program you want to rename.
Press[ENTER] and the program will be copied under the new name.

This is a good way to embed subroutines
Ben Sultenfuss <>
Stephen F. Austin State University
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
1936 North Street, PO Box 13040, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962-3040
Voice: Office: 409-468-3805   Home: 409-560-5508
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Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00-8:50 am,  Mon-Thur 2:00-4:00 pm Local

> From: Bengt Lindberg <enkan.crystalic@HARNOSAND.MAIL.TELIA.COM>
> Subject: Rename program
> Date: Thursday, October 23, 1997 08:48
> Is there a way to rename a program I stored in my TI-86 ?
> (Other than to link it to a PC and then copy the program twice to
> the calculator to get the question of renaming the program.)