TI vs HP--Eat your cake and be happy.


TI vs HP--Eat your cake and be happy.

I think the TI's popularity can be attributed to the fact that for a
high-school/college student, ownership of one is almost a necessity in
most classrooms.  I can only assume that it is the calculator of choice
for the same reason that macs are the so-called classroom computer of
choice--because educators don't care about processor speed, games support,
sound support, etc...they want a piece of equipment that the consensus of
technophobic minds can understand with as little manual-handling as
possible.  They kinda lucked out on the TI's.  Their functionality and
programmability make them easily integrated with learning environments,
and they also sport some fairly advanced capabilities for the games/math
programming hobbyists.

I'm not sure whether the question of which calculator is 'better' is
really the one to ask.  Perhaps which calculator is best suited to your
needs should really be considered.  For students, most schools will decide
on the 'standard' to be used in the classroom.  Mostly the TI plays this
role and does it very well.  Put the calculators in their places--class,
home, office, etc....not on pedestals to start arguments.

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