Re: WTB:TI-86


Re: WTB:TI-86

From:          jima@hTSO01.Cin.IX.Net
Date:          Thu, 2 Oct 1997 19:25:31 +0000
Subject:       Re: WTB:TI-86
Priority:      normal

> where - what store - give me the name, address, phone #, etc if you
> have it - I'd sure like to buy one for that price ($60.00).

I got it at staples but it was only for awhile.  I found the ti-86 for
$80 in another store and staples has a deal where they give you 155%
of the difference off their price..  120-((120-80)*1.55)= about $60 ..
If you find a deal for a ti-86 for $80 then take the advertisement to
staples and they'll do the same for you.

                                  Wow, what a deal!!!!

 I'm going to run right out tomorrow and try to
pick one up   - BTW  -  what did you say the name of the
"other" store (where you found it for $80.00) was - maybe you have
a phone # & address - If you respond quick enough - maybe I could
call them tonight and get the ball rollin!
