Re: Text programing TI-85


Re: Text programing TI-85

On the 85 your best bet is to use the solver.. the way to do this is type
in the variables in the form of an equation... look it up in the manual..
i dont have my 85 on me at the moment so I cant say much more about it...

On Sat, 29 Nov 1997, TropicDad wrote:

:I am a beginner TI-85. How do i write a text program for circuit anaylsis? I
:know from the booklett how to go to PRGM Edit but that's all i can understand.
:I would like to enter a formula such as: Xl=2piFL and be able to use this
:equation to solve the formula when i enter the values.  Can anyone help.  Trpic

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