Re: Plus ?


Re: Plus ?

Todd Stanley wrote:
> How are you supposed to "Flash Upgrade" a Ti-92+?  The only way I can
> think of is sending it to the 92's ram, then running some kind of
> program.
> Todd
> Inwoo Kim wrote:
> >
> > the processor is not in the module
> > it is just the roms, rams,.
> > the roms of the 1.x is only the roms
> > the ram is inside the calculator
> >
> > but the new plus module if flash so you can download a new rom
> > like the computer's BIOS.
> >

TI will need to modify their TI-Graph Link software in order to send
information to the Plus module.  When they finally do, the TI-92 Plus
will be able to receive new "software versions" and store it into the
Flash memory.


-----From the TI Plus FAQ-----

Will it work with the TI-Graph Link ?

Yes. The TI-92 Plus (a TI-92 Plus Module-enhanced TI-92)
will work with the same Graph Link cable. Due to the
upgradability and enhanced software features of the TI-92 Plus,
it will require new Graph Link software to address the new
