Re: MORE??


Re: MORE??

grayfox wrote:
> For my TI-85:
>         I am interested in a TI-85 link for the computer, preferably in
> building one.  All the sites that I have seen on them have not made a
> whole lot of sense as far as explaing how to build one or their
> schematics.  Anyone have any decent instructions or suggestions?

I recommend building the serial link.  My friend, who knows a lot about
electronics, built it with ease.  Go to
"" for the
instructions.  I gave some suggestions in a previous reply.  I can't
seem to find it, or I would have quoted it.  Just look for another
posting with me as the sender.  Good luck!

24 hours in a day...24 beers in a case...coincidence?
              Jawaad Ahmad
