2 key interrupts.


2 key interrupts.

I have written a few sound programs and calc locking programs for Zshell,
but I had the idea of writting a simple program to install interrupts that
would check for the pressing of two keys.  If those two keys were pressed
inside a ZShell game, it would set the contrast to zero, and shut down.
When the person turns the calc on, it would wait for a predefined key to
restore the contrast, and return to the game or other program.  I have the
shut down routine done, and the contrast adjusting routine done, but I
can't figure out how to Install interrrupts.  Nobody has released any
scource code with interrupts ('cept gray scale routines), and I have no
assembly guide books, so I have no Idea.  If anybody knows where I can
find routines on interrupts or happens to know themselves, please contact
me.  My E-Mail address is kd5511r@acad.drake.edu.
Thank you in advance.


(By the way, what is the address of Ti-Files?
