Re: CShell gives me 51k of mem...hmmm


Re: CShell gives me 51k of mem...hmmm

RegEq is normal.  It is the equasion returned when you perform a

Jim Reardon
Viva La Mexico
We all come into the world the same way - naked, screaming, covered in
blood.  But if you live your life right, that kind of thing doesn't have
to end there.

On Tue, 27 May 1997 17:23:06 EDT Peter Wilk <grayghost@GROLEN.COM>
>Ok, I got CShell because I saw it was smaller (not much) than ZShell,
>has autopower off, and you can adjust the contrast from inside it
>know how to do that yet, help?).  I was looking at my free mem today
>see if I would have enough room for QuadForm.  I did.  But I also took
>look at the size of my strings, it says I have +41k!  CShell alone is
>24524!  This is kinda interesting considering that there is only 28k
>real user mem.  Here is the exact screen from my [MEM] menu:
>MEM FREE   2037
>REAL  585   CPLX  0
>LIST  219   VECT  28
>MATR  0     STRN  41456
>EQU   222   CONS  0
>PRGM  6780  GDB   0
>PIC   0
>last time I knew the the TI-85 didn't have 51k of user available
> Anyone know what is happening here?  Is it just a little text error?
>I also have another problem, I don't know if it is related.  I have an
>equation in the equation menu that can't be deleted it is called
>I have ROM version 10.0
>I can send a backup of my calc to anyone wants it.
