history, sigs, unix, rhapsody.....


history, sigs, unix, rhapsody.....

>>Nick Zitzmann                             No WWW page at this time.
>>(Resident Macintosh Tweaker)
>>                                          Windows 95:
>>                                          From the people who brought
>>                                            EDLIN!
>So as you can see Rhapsody is based off Unix.  So I could say:
>        Rhapsody:
>        From the people who brought you vi
>Eli Allen   eallen@mail.bcpl.lib.md.us
>ICQ# 669742

Dear Eli,
Nick's just having a little fun.   Let me point out that MS wrote both
EDLIN AND Win95.  Apple is writing Rhapsody, NOT AT&T Bell Labs (are they
Lucent now?) who did write vi.  I thank you for the history lesson which
is accurate as far as I know, but I think that Nick's sig tries to point
out the reputation of the company which is "revolutionizing" the pc.
(about 11+ years after the it already happened....) *** I.E. MS = BS,
then and now. ***   Whearas Apple has probably has some flops too, but
has consistiently been on the cutting edge if you take a look at the
really big picture.  And although you may question Apple's ability to
survive, they still put out some of the highest quality (and coolest) SW
and some screamin' fast boxes.
I'm not just defending Nick here, I'm defending Apple.  I use both Macs
and Wintels and  out of experience I know that neither is perfect but
that wintels just plain ˇˇsuck!! because no one has had a chance to
redesign them as Apple has several times and consequently they've gotten
very, very screwed up.

Erik B.

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