Re: TI-86 shell for running ZShell programs


Re: TI-86 shell for running ZShell programs

>Allow me to be a little more specific.  TI-85 ASM programs of any type,
>ZShell or otherwise, cannot be run on the 86 due to different ROM routines.
> In order to allow 85 programs, the ASM program must be re-written with the
>new ROM calls, or an emulator would have to be made.  Because TI does not
>want the ROM floating around all over, you would not be allowed to use
>their ROM to make an emulator unless you owned an 85.  Programming an
>emulator from scratch, while possible, would be far to much of an annoyance
>than it's worth, unless of course there are alot of thing in ASM for the 85
>that you want, and the authors won't port them for you.

That's not true.  All you'd have to do is load the shell with commands
for handling what the ROM used to do.  ROM_CALL's could be redefined in
the shell, and the CALL_(addr) could be changed before the program was
run.  Maybe even use a converter that would modify the 85 strings for use
on the 86 (It wouldn't be hard). Then, the last thing that would have to
be done is putting the program's memory address into (PROGRAM_ADDR).  You
could then run the shell at $D748 and call out to paged memory.  Quick
question for anyone that knows: Can RAM pages 6&7 (The ones that are all
FF's) be modified?  This would be helpful information for the shell.
Anyone want to collaborate on this (Alan, Bill?)

            James Yopp

"Time is the fire in which we burn."