SQUFOF for TI-85/86


SQUFOF for TI-85/86

I just wanted to announce a port of Riesel's (see H. Riesel, _Prime
Numbers and Computer Methods of Factorization_, 2nd ed., ~ p.190)
square form factoring program to the TI-86 (though it should surely
run on the TI-85, since I didn't use any special functions). This
is significant, since due to the way the Shanks's SQUFOF works,
numbers with up to 20 digits can be factored, even on a calculator
like the TI-85. The algorithm's running time is O(n^(1/4)).

The details, and the program, can be found from my home page:
<URL: http://home1.gte.net/paulp/>

Also: for the small minority of people who happen to be interested
in number theoretical matters, the NEW number theory library for
the TI-92 that is long overdue is coming along nicely. E-mail me
for more information.

- Paul Pollack