Re: Debug DM_HL_DECI


Re: Debug DM_HL_DECI

On Fri, 15 Aug 1997 01:22:42 -0400, "Thomas J. Hruska"
<thruska@TIR.COM> wrote:

>After giving myself a headache, I have decided to release a section of my
>source from my "top secret" project.  The only reason I'm doing this is
>because I need someone to debug it.  This function works EXACTLY like the
>D_HL_DECI function except it has no whitespace and uses the small font.  It
>works about 80% of the time.  The rest of the time it crashes by running a
>series of digits on forever (i.e. when HL=510d).  If anyone could fix it, I
>would appreciate it very much.  TIA

> [snip loong code]

Ouch... that looked complicated... I won't even try to find the error.
You should make it something like this instead:

 push af
 push de
 push hl
 ld de,string+5
 xor a
 ld (de),a
 add a,'0'
 dec de
 ld (de),a
 ld a,h
 or l
 jr nz,Repeat
 ex de,hl
 pop hl
 pop de
 pop af

string is a 6 byte temporary storage.

Jimmy Merdell <>
