Re: REQ: Information on Control Enginnering programs for the TI85


Re: REQ: Information on Control Enginnering programs for the TI85

Oh crikey - yep I've got some programs to draw nyquist etc. If you can
wait a few weeks so I have access to the uni's labs with the TI-link I can
get it to you.

RSVP if your interested.


In article <>,
        Blackbird (Blackbird) writes:
>Are there any programs in the field of Control Enginnering out there ?
>For instance, are there any programs that will do Bode or Nyquist
>Diagrams ?
>Or should I sell my TI and buy a HP like everyone told me to ? : - (

<======== Chris Johnson =================== ========>
 Death looked at Vorbis. "You may have heard the phrase that hell is other
 people". Vorbis nodded. "In time", said Death, "you will find that is wrong"
<===================== =====================>
