Re: TI-92 ROM versions (Please read if you have a TI-92)


Re: TI-92 ROM versions (Please read if you have a TI-92)

> How do you check what ROM version you have?
" press [F5] [Diamond] [(] from the Home Screen..." was in David
Ellsworth's original message.

  .--.                           | Aaron N. Tubbs
 : .; :                          |
 :    : .--.  .--.  .--. ,-.,-.  |
 : :: :' .; ; : ..'' .; :: ,. :  |
 :_;:_;`.__,_;:_;  `.__.':_;:_;  | Quote of the month:
 .-----.      .-.   .-.          | "Only the insane have strength enough
 `-. .-'      : :   : :          |  to prosper, only those who propser
   : :  .-..-.: `-. : `-.  .--.  |  may truly judge what is sane."
   : :  : :; :' .; :' .; :`._-.' |
   :_;  `.__.'`.__.'`.__.'`.__.' | Word of the month: concupiscence
