PIC viewers again!


PIC viewers again!

September rolls around once again and the traffic on *-TI begins to flow. So
it's time to plug my viewers again...

The TI-82, TI-85, and TI-83 can upload PIC files to your PC using Graph-Link
(from TI). Use 83IVIEW.EXE or 85IVIEW.EXE on your Windows PC to view, edit,
print, and save these PIC files for later downloading back to the calculator.

83IVIEW.EXE handles BOTH 82I and 83I files and can convert from one to the
other (YES, they are different).

Also, both programs allow you to save the images in BMP format for use in
other applications.

The entire package is shipped in 8XIVIEW.EXE, a self-extracting ZIP file. It
contains both the 82/83 and the 85 program plus needed vbx's and dll's.

These programs are freely disributed via
http://members.aol.com/jehannaths/hanna.htm for the Web page or
ftp://members.aol.com/jehannaths for the ftp listing of the directory. I
suggest using the Web page as there are some helpful tiips as to which file
to download.

Coments are always welcome!
John Hanna
T^3 - Teachers Teaching with Technology