Re: 82: Screen keeps coming off!


Re: 82: Screen keeps coming off!

In article <54lv44$>,
(Beddingfield) wrote:

>    Hello.  I hope this question is answered in any of the FAQ's; I've already
> looked around some.  I have a TI-82 that's about a year old.  The adhesive
> that is supposed to hold the plastic screen cover intact seems to be losing
> its effectiveness, because the screen keeps falling off on a daily basis.
> Although I can't complain totally (I did have the little flaky debris in
> there, which I had a chance to clean out the first time my screen fell out),
> it is getting a little annoying, now. ;-)  Has anybody else had this problem?
> If so, how did you fix it?  What type of adhesive would you suggest I use to
> fix the problem?  TIA.
Yes, I had this problem too. What I finally ended up doing was cleaning
the screen and the back of the plastic screen good with Windex, and then
supergluing the plastic screen on. Just be careful with the superglue, I
got some on the glass screen, and then had to open up the calculator to
clean it. =)

Hope this helps.

Andy Ringsmuth

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