Re: ti-83 games??


Re: ti-83 games??

Buy an 83. Period. All 82 things will run on an 83. The only problem
is that you can not send anything but lists L1 to L6 from 83 to 82.
You can send anything from an 82 to an 83 or an 83 to an 83, however.

On 13 Oct 1996 17:32:42 GMT, (Danny Colquhoun)

>Bendzick ( wrote:
>: QL321 wrote:
>: >
>: > has anyone got any ti-83 games? if so please post!!
>: for 82 games compatible with
>: 83
>Are all 82 programs compatable with the 83?  I'm looking to buy a TI for
>my last year of high school and university and I'm still trying to decide
>between the 82 (used in our schools) and the 85.
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