Re: Attempts to leave calc-ti


Re: Attempts to leave calc-ti

Subject:      Attempts to leave calc-ti
Comments: To:
 Mark R. Lindsey wrote

>I have followed the instructions returned by the list server for
>unsubscribing from this list, but, alas, they are in error, and
>no obvious method has availed any solution.
>Seriously, though, the available instructions are incorrect.

Right. I've tried to unsub three or four times. The only response I got was
(once) a robot-mail saying that the unsubscribe command was cancelled
because it hadn't been confirmed  within 48 hours; so I sent the same
(scrupulously correct according to's page) email 3 days in a
row. I'm still on the list. Is it possible that the list is run by a
British civil servant, and he's on his statutory tea-break?

Stuart Dawson                                  Dawson Engineering
49 Knockbracken Park, Belfast  BT6 0HL,  Northern Ireland      +44 1232 640669
