Re: TI85 Concatenating numbers/Numbers -> Strng


Re: TI85 Concatenating numbers/Numbers -> Strng

OK. This is the last post on the subject, for those who are interested.
Someone e-mailed me a great trick to convert a number into a string
quickly and easily (on the 85 at least). Here's the code...
let's say you have the variable A that contains the number
-1234.56789e-34 or any other number. To put the string -1234.56789e-34
in B, just use this:

LinR {0,1},{A,A
Sub(X,1,length X-3

This is  faster than my " super-fast" algorythm for everything except
one or two digit integers, plus it's hastle free and memory-friendly.
I've included the e-mail documentation  which has an explanation of how
the trick works and the names of the authors.



Real-to-String/String-to-Real Modules
By Jon Niehof and Jason Wenger
Use these things however you wish.
Note that both routines assume that the input is in Ans and that the output
belongs in Ans. Careful--no error checking! Feel free to examine the code.

String to Real
Most of you have probably figured this out already. Simply convert the string
to an equation, then store the equation to a variable.

Real to String
This is a little more complex. It winds up destroying xStat and yStat.
It calculates a linear regression on (0,X) and (1,X) where X is the number
you want converted. Then, since the 85 returns a Regression equation (AHA!)
in the form intercept+slope*x, just convert it to a string, then you can
simply strip off everything from the plus sign on. Remember--we put in a
point (0,X), and the intercept is the point where the x-value is zero!

Actually, stripping from the "+" onward is more then necessary.
I've modified the program to implement the following suggestion:
<Begin quote>

Date: Sun, 06 Oct 1996 11:48:03 EDT
From: "Jason C. Wenger" <>
Subject: Real to String

You are to be commended.  You have found a truly graceful and FAST way of
converting real to strings.  However, you did overlook one thing.  The
regression equation is always the answer we need and "+0x", so we con
modify your program to say:

:LinR X,Y

Here's the new part:

:sub(X,1,lngth x-3)

All we have to do is cut off the last three numbers, which will ALWAYS be
"+0x" ! This speeds up the program considerably.  Try it.

Please, if you can find any faults in my reasoning, (especially
situations where the regression equation does not end in "+0x")  Please
tell me so.  I'd like to post this updated version in the CALC-TI
news-list (with proper credit to you, of course) but I don't want to put
it in if it has any bugs.

Thanks for the great program,
Jason "Thursday" Wenger
Illegitimi no carborundum

<End quote>

I included that whole thing partially for the flattery, I admit :)
Thanks a lot to Jason for the insight! A great little birthday present
(The 6th was my birthday....)

Jason also reminded me of something that I forgot to include in the original $
The real->string routine only works between -7e499 and 7e499. I think we can $

Any questions? E-mail me:
Visit my page!
