Re: FTerm--Can you use it with existing software?


Re: FTerm--Can you use it with existing software?

You know its a funny thing, If you have the Ti link, try this, go into
your windows termanl program, and set it for 9600 then plug your cal in
and run FTerm...  What you type on your 92 comes up and what you type on
your keyboard also comes up on the ti screen!!!!!

Also, does ANY one have the sourse for fterm!?!?!?!??!
I can't figure how it sends letters to the port, If I can figure it out,
I can try to make a VT102 emulator, altough I have no idea how to get 24

-Paul Bruner

On Tue, 19 Nov 1996 nurseprn05@AOL.COM wrote:

> I heard that you must use a parallel Calc link in order to use FTerm, and
> have a male-male or male-female connector.  I have an internal modem, a
> Graph-link on a serial port, and have no adapter like you need.  I heard
> that you can use software to convert the information from a serial port to
> a parallel port.  Does anyone know where I can get this software or know
> how to use FTerm with an internal modem without any new hardware or
> adapters?
> Jared Miniman's Domain
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