Re: Something's not right


Re: Something's not right

On Tue, 12 Nov 1996 00:38:44 -0600, you wrote:

>I hope I'm wrong but I think my calculator is totally messed up.  I
>tried to put Fargo on it and followed the steps.  I started to transfer
>the backup back to my calc and it stopped.  I knew it was supposed to
>and wasn't all that worried until I looked at the screen.  It gave me an
>address error message.  I tried to put the other programs on thinking it
>would fix it, but I couldn't get to the link screen.  I couldn't gat to
>any screen.  I tried to remove the batteries to clear the memory but it
>didn't work.  Anyone else have the same problems or know what might be
>Think I might be up a creek.
>please respond
My calculator does that to me a lot, what with me learning 68k ASM!
<g> Don't worry, just take out battery, hold down the ) and (-) keys,
and put the battery back in. Your memory will be erased, but your
calculator will be fine. Hope this helps!
Tim Gerla    |
Tyball@irc   |
Tyball Dragon|   -==<UDIC>==-
