Re: Various notes about the TI 92


Re: Various notes about the TI 92

Mike Harder wrote:
> Richard Gallagher wrote:
> >
> > These are just a few things I have noticed about the TI-92 and
> > suggestions about what could be changed.
> I find most of your complaints unwarranted.  It seems to me that the
> TI-92 isn't the problem, you are.

A host of sniping snipped.

I'm glad to see that there is room for open-minded criticism of your
chosen product (NOT!).  Goodness knows the Ti-92 is perfect for
everybody, everywhere (and if it isn't for you, its your fault), so why
bother suggesting potential improvements?

BTW, what ROM revision is your perfect machine up to now?

Hopefully Ti doesn't have the same blinders on and will endeavor to
improve a machine with such unfulfilled potential.

My .02 cents.
Mark Wilson

"You see me now a veteran
of a thousand psychic wars..."
