Re: Help me somebody, I'm dying just because I'm a newbe!!!!


Re: Help me somebody, I'm dying just because I'm a newbe!!!!

On Sun, 22 Dec 1996, Reginald Milton wrote:

> Hello calculator owners of the planet:

"Not I," said the fish.

> Of course I'm a begginer because I don't know half as much as normal
> people do.  That manual is worthless if your trying to program.  Don't
> just give me the names of websites, that a leadoff and it's
> essentially worthless( have been to  Many things I have
> come across, and the descriptions of them are for the intermediate.
> NOT FOR ME, A BEGGINER.  I have a TI-85 if your wondering.  Here is
> the list: (to little to least understood)
> ZShell?

ZShell is a hack used with the TI-85 to enable the user or other users to
write programs using the low-level code used by the TI-85 hardware
itself.  I.E. Instead of me telling you "Go get a drink of water," and
having you know only one way of doing that, I could tell you, "Rise from
chair.  Take exactly 27 steps to kitchen.  ... etc"  ZShell allows for
more complex programs (games) and so forth.

> Z80 machine code??

Z80 machine code is basically the instructions the processor inside the
TI-8x calculators understands.  All (or most) TI-8x calculators use a
"modified" Z80 processor.  This processor does the same job as the 486 or
Pentium (or 386 or whatever) you probably have in your computer, unless
you own a Macintosh, in which case it's the 68* processor.

> Assembly Language???

Assembly language is the low level language I was talking about under
ZShell.  It enables the programmer to address all of the basic functions
of a processor to do what the programmer wants, I.E. the "rise from
chair" stuff.

> ASCII????

American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
ABCDEFGHIJLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ is ASCII, so is 1234567890.  If you are in DOS
or a text editor of some kind (on a PC), hold down ALT with your Num Lock
key on, and press any number under 254 on your number keypad.  The
character that pops up is the character for that ASCII code (i.e. the
little block is the character for ASCII 254)

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