Re: Programmer's Calculator


Re: Programmer's Calculator

Hia all those calculator lovers.

Many thanks for taking time to answer my question. After three hours
of research yesterday, I went out and bought myself a CASIO!!!

No, wait a minute that was a joke. OK ?. I got myself a TI-34,  Its
perfect for the job. TI-85  will be like cracking a nut with a sledge
hammer. I already have one of those. Its called a TI-59 and I paid
around $500 for it back in 1978 !!! yeah I am an oldie. <g>.

And now bloody TI says I cannot buy batteries for it nor can I get
new charger units, actually they farmed me off to another company
called Rex something or rather. But those folks have given up too. TI
claims they don't have circuit diagrams or specs so at least I can
jury rig something. You see my TI-59 is still working strong. So why
throw it away because of lack of power ??, tell me that. BTW: I had
bought the printer for it too, but it dies a couple of years ago.
Haven't tried to fix that unfortunately. It lasted for 17 years!!.

Any suggestions (Constructive ones!, no wise cracks) will be

Cheerio for now.

Siamak Mirnezami