Re: Need Help With Ti-83 ASM


Re: Need Help With Ti-83 ASM

Chad Palmer wrote:
>                        Postage paid by: [Image]
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
> I have a question for all of you.  I want to use teh CalcOff ASM program on
> my TI-83, but I don't have a Graph Link.  How do I go about putting it on
> the calc?  Do I just type in what is included in the calcoff.83p program
> file, or do I have to try to translate and type in what's included in the
> calcoff.asm file?  If I have to do that how do I go about it?
> Chad Palmer
Just type in the program and then run it [Send(9prgmcalcoff]
     __     ______
    / /(c) / __  /
   / /___ / /_/ /
  /_____   ____/
 / /    / /
