Re: programs


Re: programs

NG>To that extent, I would like to express my support for code to be
NG>edit-protected when placed on the Internet. While this idea may defy what
NG>the Internet is all about, I have come across a couple of occasions where I
NG>have written a program that I worked on for a while, only to have someone
NG>take my code, modify it slighty, and resubmit it as their own work (I don't
NG>wish to name any names). Not only that, but it will allow for people to
NG>write shareware for these calculators, a concept which I also support (and
NG>anyone out there who has worked on a program for a month to tweek it knows
NG>what I'm talking about). Comments?

It doesn't matter if you edit protect them, people are still able to
un-edit lock them.  The purpose of edit locking a program is so that
when a teacher puts a program on a calc, a student can't edit it.  A
smart idea on TI's part.  Could you imagine if you didn't have a TI
calc, and had to use a schools, but the student who used it before you
changed a line in it like s+m/->/w instead of s*m/->/w?  I know what
you mean though, it really annoys me when people change something and
then call it there own.  I think that if someone changes something,
they shouldn't say they made the program.  As for edit locking them, I
see that as a pain.  When I put a program on my calc's, I don't like to
have memory wasted for alot of names, but if a person is going to post
it on the Internet, that is a different story.  Memory there is not
really a problem!
