Re: TI sucks HP rules


Re: TI sucks HP rules

At 09:08 PM 8/4/96 GMT, you wrote:
>>Let me reinterate, "at a price i can afford", assuming mathmatica costs
>>around $30 or so, a laptop running at about $1,800 and up for anyting
>>worthwhile well, hold on let me break out the calculator, note no
>>boot-up time. We come up with $1,610.00 more than what my calculator
>>cost me. Well looks like the laptop loses in the afforablity department.

I would say that you don't really get a "power user's" system if you pay
$1800 for a laptop. You're talking 2500 and up, I believe.  Makes it even
less affordable.

>I realize that, but considering the many other things you might want
>to carry around with you that a laptop replaces, like a discman, you
>see that the price of a laptop isn't quite so bad after all.

Let's do some math on this.  TI-85 $100+ Discman $75+ My home computer

$175<2500 (or 1800, for that matter)

Any questions?

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