Re: A92: Shells and assembler


Re: A92: Shells and assembler

> It has always been my opinion that the less interfearance with the actuall asembler the better.

Me too

> I'd be happy as happy gets if I could just have a FAST text-based OS, that's not only an assembly shell, but does everything that TI's (trashy) OS does.

So would I, although TI's os isn't trashy.  You just don't NEED all the stuff on it.

> Wouldn't it be fun to program a "shell" if you didn't have TI's (worthless) os to worry about?
> you could have 60K to work with instead of the usu, 5 or 6.
> I think the best way to do it is not to build on tios, but to build from the ground up.

I've always wanted to do that, but I still have to figure out how to do the other stuff.

> what are 92+ people doing on the 92 list?

92 refers to all 68k calcs (89/92/92+) and should be renamed to "the 68k asm mailing list"

Right now, I'm working on an on-calc ide/assembler for the 92+, which might be ported to 89 and 92 if i get it done.

Noah Medling

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