A92: Addressing mode


A92: Addressing mode

I've just a question concerning the addressing modes.
I already asked  Keith Kirton. He told me tat there 
must be a bug in the compiler A68k. If someone is 
able to give me an answer, pleas read the following

My problem concern the indexed addressing mode with
a data register:

	LEA (A5,D7.w),A5

The compiler isn't able to create the right object

A little program for illustrate it:
	xdef _main
	xdef _comment
	LEA (A5,D7.w),A5
	Move.w (A5),D4
	Move.w D4,D5
	dc.b "TryOut",0

Look at the following object code created by the A86k.exe:

8:Nu4I`Versuch     _main
         _comment     A5,D7.w 

I know it's absolutely normal that nobody understand it
(without an object code list and hex editor!!) . The only
thing possible to read are the labels _main and _comment 
and the file name VERSUCH.ASM (-> normal!?), and finaly the
expression A5,D7.w. It's evident, this expression can't be 
object code.

If somebody know to fix this bug please mail me!

Thank you for your patience.

Sudan Christoph
e-mail: e98csuda@eif.ch

If you prefer it, you can mail me in French or German too:)
