Re: A92: ASM Help


Re: A92: ASM Help

>Why on earth everybody say that assembly in more difficult than C++ ??
>Is it more difficult to know 50 operands than around 10 000 Win32 functions ?
>With assembly, you can do everything !! Not with other language
>(except if they include inline assembly or objects files compiled with
>an assembler)
>It is true that programming in assembly often freeze the calc, but
>with a debugger, I don't know where is the problem : once you
>manage to see how works the processor, the memory, the I/O...
>you are able to do evrything, isn't it ?

Time for my 45,000 YEN...

I agree that ASSEMBLY tends to be the most versatile.  Since you are at
the lowest level, you can directly control what the processor is doing.
This allows assembly programs to be quite optimized in how they interact
with memory and I/O.  Higher level languages in general allow you to write
a program without concerning yourself with the actual interaction with the
processor.  Some language implementations allow you to specify assembler
code, and this now lets you fine tune sections of the program where you
really need the more direct interaction.  In either case, assembly is the
ONLY language that allows the programmer FULL control.

As for the difficulty of languages, I feel that it is always a personal
matter.  Programming is nothing more than problem solving.  When you can
define the problem and develop a solution, you are a programmer.  A true
programmer can design this solution apart from specific languages, so that
when the solution is complete the best language can be selected.  When a
person has difficulty with a language, it is almost always related to the
decision of the best implementation of the solution.  Granted that when
your calculator crashes, that slows down the process.  However this is only
a programming hassle, which is not related to ANY specific language.

I would hope that in the future, when someone asks how more difficult is a
language from another, that we make it clear that it is always a personal
case.  We can give our OPINIONS; but never force a language into a specific

P.S. Win32 functions and other RUNTIME functions are ON TOP of the C/C++
     languages and not part of the language.  Language should refer to the
     basic syntax, which includes expressions, statements, and other
     elements related to lexical conventions and basic concepts.  This does
     sound complicated, but just remember that you can't blame the C/C++
     LANGUAGE if the Win32 function call is bizarre.

Aaron Hill (Redmond, WA)
IRC-Nick: Serac (EF-Net) (was SeracOhw)
