A92: DefTempHandle, Xetal and Doors for the TI92 Plus


A92: DefTempHandle, Xetal and Doors for the TI92 Plus

I've some questions about the TI92 Plus.
I'd like, first of all, to know what is the address of the DefTempHandle
for the TI92 Plus because PlusShell doesn't support it. Perhaps, someone
could, at least, tell me how to find it.
Moreover, I would like to know how to make Xetal view a text from an asm
prog ad Doors does. In fact, I'd like to make an assembly prog which
will let me select texts from a Pop Up menu ( by using userlib library )
and then view them by running Xetal.
Last question : Is Xetal going to be ported to TI92 Plus ?

Thanx in advance
