Re : A92: Important !! Fargo Relocation table ??


Re : A92: Important !! Fargo Relocation table ??

Dans un courrier daté du 01/09/98 09:24:09  , vous avez écrit :

>  I really need to know how works the fargo 2 relocation table
>  in Fargo files.
>  I already spent quite a lot of time trying to understand it with
>  small fargo programs, adding each time a library or a library
>  call, but i never succeeded in understanding how it works.
>  Please David (or if anyone else know...), i think you don't have
>  a lot of time, but could you quickly explain me how it works ?
>  Thank you VERY much, and keep up the great work.
>  Benoit SCHERRER

THE thing to know is that the relocation table is compressed.... So, if you
wish to understand it, you should first try to disassmble the kernel to get
the decompression algorythm... Also, you could wait for plusshell last version
which features fargo II binary compatibility. Perhaps will plusshell author
include a doc explaining how he did ...
