Re: A92: word processor


Re: A92: word processor

On 04-Nov-98, fi97 Sacha KAERCHER wrote:
> If someone would write a word processor, would you prefer a 4 color
> with the possibility to use 4 colors for the fonts, or would you prefere a
> interface with no color formats ? The last suggestion uses less power...
> Please reply
I'd say go for B/W, gray scale is only good for a GUI like the one found in
and WordPerfect, but a calc should not have this... (the screen is small
already) things like bold and italics would be more usefull.

Besides that don't use you own format keep it ascii (ok some control codes for
bold and stuff like that, but if someone don't use them the output should be
plain ascii)

And then make a decent editor not like the on already found on the calc that
just cuts the word in two when you type over the right edge on the screen,
all of the word to the next line if possible.

On the GUI side using the Ti-92 own pop up "menu" system seams the best

To put it another way... The thing I need is a simple and GOOD text editor to
take my LaTeX2e notes on.

Btw. a better keyboard remapper would also be nice.. one where you can change
the key code returned by each key combination one by one and with the calc,
a save feature would be nice... more layouts, one for each different thing you

Greetings from Visti Andresen (talpa/IRIS)
     May the AMIGA be with you.

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